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Monday, January 27, 2014

Sweet-Tooth Fix..

C.H.O.C.O.L.A.T.E & N.U.T.E.L.L.A 

Chocolate makes everything better!Who needs therapy when the world has Chocolate;)

For all the Chocolate lovers out there i am sure we have always got a knock on head reminding us to stay away from the goodness of the 'Chocolate fountain' when we are trying to eat right. Here's a good news,there are so many smart ways you can indulge into the chocolate heaven without feeling guilty or having to deprive yourself! Did i mention raw 'Cocoa' is actually one of the top super foods too. :)

It did not take me long to realize that the best quality of desired outcome can only come when you put both your heart and soul into something! "kitchen" used to be the long lost word in my dictionary until recently my passion for following a healthy lifestyle drove me into preparing my own version of clean eating.I never thought i had say this but i am actually discovering new horizons and proudly announce myself as the new #amateur chef of  'My Kitchen'..

'Chocolate' and 'Nutella' are two of my absolute faves..Before i started changing my ways i had these sugar high days when i use to over indulge and end up feeling guilty later..Sounds i can have my cake and eat it too!!!The key is to focus on pairing the right foods and eliminate the ones that cause that insulin to spike without giving your body any energy or nutrition.It is probably too soon for me to elaborate on the health guide yet but you get the zest. 
Nothing fancy but i did give baking a shot for the very first time and i will let you guys be the judge of how well i did.Although the aroma that came out from my kitchen sure made my dog 'Onyx' drool!:D 

  • 'Nutella-Almond Bars' I had to modify the recipe a little since my husband is a big fan of peanut butter and pecan,i ended up baking two different versions with the same recipe.It turned out great and the best part-it is actually a 'No-Bake'recipe.#instantScore
Here's the link i used to make 

'Dark Chocolate-Avacado Cookies' I obviously had to make it my own by changing the look of it..instead  of using 'Chocolate Chips' i cut small pieces of my favorite 'Green and Blacks' organic dark chocolate and pressed it into the fresh out of oven cookies while they were still moist. 
You can follow the exact recipe for your ease. I was able to yield about '14 cookies' from my batch.

To sum it all and onyx had a blast baking and being creative.Who knew cooking and baking was so much fun..I certainly didn't! ;) until next time savour each bite and bake away!!:)

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