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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Status Update..

My 2 Weeks of dive into the "Healthy Pool"

"Motivation is what gets you started,Habit is what keeps you going"~ Jim Rohn

It has been around 2 weeks now paving my way through lifestyle changes.Its not all that easy let me tell you whoever said the 'beginning is the hardest' was not entirely wrong.I have had all kinds of excuses you can think of for not to progress but i also learnt a very important lesson somewhere in between me wanting to move forward and temptation wanting to pull me back that it would be really easy if i drop all this, or i can take a leap and see myself doing it not only to loose some weight but also to carry on with it for the rest of my life.The second option made more sense.Now that it was clear the only thing i needed to work on is to stay focused and cultivate the habits that will keep me going without looking back.

My oopsies-
  • My pig-out day: After few days of keeping healthy my body started having all these cravings of foods that are considered a big no-no when you want to eat right.[Solution:I didn't let myself  feel guilty.I was prepared for such obstacles.Instead the next day i balanced it out by eating healthy and finding ways to avoid it from happening again.]
  • Off Track: A pinch of motivation from here and there makes you want to do better each day.I realized as soon as i lost touch on weekend i started to fall back on my healthy habit.[Solution:Staying connected to whatever motivates you is the key.Never ever loose focus!]
My daisies-
  • Positive Changes: Not all was lost.For the first time in my life i actually enjoyed being in the kitchen.Yup,People who know me knows that how allergic i am to the kitchen and cooking!;)
  • Being Prepared: Planning your day ahead is very helpful and keeps you from being side tracked.
  • Small Changes: Substituting bad food habits by replacing the grocery with good food choices will not only make your body eat good but also leave you with no other option than to eat that.(Hence,leading you to healthy habit forming naturally)
It might seem like nothing is happening but as you keep going you will notice your body feels so much better when you eat right,get some exercise in on daily basis.The boost in the energy comes all natural that alone is enough to make you repeat it all over again the next day!I have picked my path and i have no intention of getting it done all  in one day.I do encourage everyone who are into their ventures to stay focused!!


  1. aww....that is kewl.... never worry about cheating every now and then :)) get right back on track and don't regret :))

    1. Thanks..trying the slow and steady approach still haven't mastered the steady part getting there:)
