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Friday, January 10, 2014

If I may..

It has been a while since the 'diary days' and my last blog..Gosh!i don't even remember where i had hidden my true persona since i had moved from Iowa..Yet here i am back at it,writing is something i not only enjoy but it brings a spark of excitement in my blood stream.It might seem a little extreme for those who have not experienced anything exciting.After spending few weeks at home not working or being able to focus on some sort of set schedule it dawned to me how purposeless life can be if you don't know where you are heading.Hence the blog!!:)

I got the idea for this blog after reading through all different topics since morning and the simple fact that there is a wide array of things available just a click away made me realize my life has been an open book all along at least that's what i had like to think anyway.So here in this blog i will share all the things that i come across which fascinates and motivates me from movies,food,music,internet,quotes,news,social media pretty much anything and everything.So get prepared to read more of me since i am sure my mind has broken free!lol

I have been raving about a healthy life style change to my husband for quite a while now finally he will be glad that i will be sharing it with you all instead of him.;)I read this article this morning and thought it helped me jump start in the right direction.Today has been a day about gathering insight on how to lead a healthy lifestyle without actually trying too hard.Simple changes in our day today life can go long ways.I have taken my first step and have no intention of looking back!

I invite all the readers to comment and share anything that will help us better our lives.i intend to create a positive experience through this blog and i hope you all will help me surround myself with happy and fun loving people.Looking forward to a new beginning!

"Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it.” – Unknown

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