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Friday, May 23, 2014

Stop and smell the Roses!

Revamping the For'go..

When life seems busy we are often asked to slow down and breathe!

All this time i was thinking how some people can do it all despite of the same amount of hours one has in a day.It might seem simple but past few months of drooling over the wrong bark i have certainly come to a conclusion that there is nothing ordinary about being oneself.Life takes time and while for some it is a piece of cake it might just take few extra leaps for the other.As long as we are moving forward regardless the pace we are sure to get there!

Revolving around other peoples' happiness is as crucial as being able to focus on self awareness and being happy with yourself.Small lesson i learnt in past few days of  trying to self analyse myself from the things that are surrounding me..bit of a eye opener considering the amount of changes that can take place in blink of an eye.Just in 24 hours happy news were flourishing on one end at the same time life was parting on a different horizon.There goes my trying to control everything.I have found a new sense of  compassion towards life.You must be thinking what does this has to do with the title..It has actually motivated me to filter my strengths and weaknesses and see the clarity i had been looking for quite some time now.

Being hopeful will surely fuel you for a better future just like simply dreaming big gets you nowhere.It takes calculative actions and exactly knowing where you want to be.It takes discipline and courage to rip off that bubble of procrastination and face the reality.If i were to sum it all up it comes down to a simple fact 'Go for it'

So if you are wrapped up with your life and think you need air or if you are simply like me trying to pave your way.Get out there tippy-toe and make all your dreams come true.Life sure is short for regrets but looking back thinking if only i had done this or that is no way you are leading anywhere.There is never going to be a perfect time.The day you are in sync with yourself is the day you start.A new day new hope!

On your way there if you ever get overwhelmed or loose faith you know what?Yep!you guessed it..

"Stop and smell the Roses"

Disclaimer:All the links,videos and images i share on this blog are what has helped me gain perspective in my journey towards a healthy lifestyle.I am not endorsing any specific brand or organisation.You all can solely follow whatever appeals to you!
No pressure,Cheers!!:)

1 comment:

  1. awww...Im so glad to read a post from you :)) Truly said... slow down and enjoy! Dream and try to achieve them :D
